After hitting it off at the brewery. EJ planned a very romantic and adventurous first date. We met up at Starbucks and headed to the metro station. I had no idea what we were doing as he wanted it to be an adventure. He first took me to the last book store in Downtown LA where they had live music, I might have mentioned I LOVE live music when we first met. We walked around the book store and EJ learned that this heavily Instagram-able place was not really for me as I have no social media. We then walked over to Grand Central Market and had some yummy oysters and beer before heading to Angels Flight then went on to the US Bank building (don’t worry it’s better than it sounds). EJ had tickets already for us to go down a glass slide at the top of the building, I was secretly grateful that I wore a romper rather than a dress.
I have to admit I was impressed with his first-date skills. He does have some advantages though working in travel.